International Society for Data Science and Analytics, Data Science and Psychology - 2024 Meeting of ISDSA

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Deep learning generalized structured component analysis: An interpretable artificial neural network model with composite indexes
Gyeongcheol Cho, Heungsun Hwang

Date: 2024-07-22 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM
Last modified: 2024-07-05


Generalized structured component analysis (GSCA) is a multivariate method for specifying and examining interrelationships between observed variables and components. Despite its data-analytic flexibility honed over the decade, GSCA always defines every component as a linear function of observed variables, which can be less optimal when observed variables for a component are nonlinearly related, often reducing the component’s predictive power. To address this issue, we combine deep learning and GSCA into a single framework to allow a component to be a nonlinear function of observed variables without specifying the exact functional form in advance. This new method, termed deep learning generalized structured component analysis (DL-GSCA), aims to maximize the predictive power of components while their directed or undirected network remains interpretable. Our real and simulated data analyses show that DL-GSCA produces components with greater predictive power than those from GSCA in the presence of nonlinear associations between observed variables per component.


Generalized structured component analysis, deep learning, nonlinear component, composite index

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